Friday, October 25, 2013

The Illusion of the Bolder and the Fence

The National Debt is like a bolder we push down the road, when we grow old and tired we hand off the job to our kids. When they turn around and question the reason why we do this, the parents become the slave drivers, as their parents had been to them. They become crass, and feed the lines they were fed:
“This is the way it has to be.”
 “Freedom isn't free.”
“We have to fall in line to make the machine work.”
Sometimes we all need to be reminded of our rebellious spirit; left back on the playground. Conformity can be more dangerous the anarchy. It can indoctrinate us into all manner of things. Simply because we do not pay attention. Going along with the daily grind, in a state of miserable slumber unaware of the crumbling world around us. Conformity is slavery’s best friend. It willfully leads its victims into seemingly inescapable scenarios, but the reality is there is always an escape if you choose not to participate.

I am reminded of a day I went out to water my garden. On approach to the little garden I had planted in my back yard I noticed a squirrel standing on the ground staring up at me. He panicked, as expected, and took off right into a loose roll of chicken wire fencing. I had left the loose roll of chicken wire fencing standing next to the garden, after removing my failed cucumber plants it was meant to support, as I figured out what I could use it for next. The squirrel darted back and forth in the fencing, to my astonishment, it seemed he did not know he could go back the way he came, or climb up it. It was if his fear had locked him into an endless back and forth cycle. I slowly approached the fencing, and began to unravel it. As I did, the squirrel in his panic darted up the fence towards my hand, which I jerked back, since I did not know if he intended to bite me. He then climbed back down the fence and continued running back and forth. It seemed that his fear again had overruled his critical thinking. There he was at the top of the fence, and he could have escaped, but he chose to head back to the false sense of safety he found with the fence. I finally was able to get, for the most part, the fence unrolled; just as I did the squirrel looked up seeing the top of the fence he began to climb up the middle. He then, jumped off and headed up the nearest tree; his driver for freedom overriding his sense of fear. The moral of this story, is to not be trapped by the illusions of boundaries that do not exist.

Monday, October 21, 2013

$80 Million Spent To Guard IRS and Other Government Buildings from Civil Disturbances.

As reported by Paul Joseph Watson from

Was the Stenographer's Outburst on the House Floor Due to Hypnotic Suggestion?

As caught by writer and editor Paul Joseph Watson:

Link to Article:

The Cuckoo

In a seemingly crazy and mindless time. Where the Federal Government pulls more and more power from the state and local governments. It struck me that our Federal Government is like the cuckoo, a bird that is synonymous with crazy mindless acts. The cuckoo raids the nest of wrens, and steels one of its eggs replacing it with one of its own. This is like what the bankers did 100 years ago. They replaced sound money and untaxed wages with the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service.  While putting in place puppets that they bought with campaign contributions. Woodrow Wilson, was one of the first to do their bidding by ratifying the 16th Amendment and bringing in the IRS and Federal Reserve system.

With the hatching of the cuckoo’s egg, out pops a bird three times the size of the wren’s chicks and it hatches before the wren’s eggs, so it can then push the eggs out of the nest. It then, by making a call that sounds like a nest full of wren chicks, keeps the wren busy bringing it more and more to eat day and night. Until it is too big for the small nest it resides in. This is like the massive expansion of our Federal Government that few have tried to stop. The government, to its liking, has grown far bigger than the Constitution ever allowed, and on the backs of the everyday citizen.

It seems mindless to me, as to why you would want oppressive law creation to be overseen by those far removed from the individuals and businesses that will be affected. Why is it that allowing those at the county level to oversee the majority of law creation is frowned upon and held as contemptible? When the individual has far more influence over the laws created and maintained at the local level. Most cheer when they push another right or liberty under the ‘protection’ of the Federal Government. Not realizing that with every cheer of such actions weakness their voice of protest in the future.

Our Federal Government was never meant to be a Federal Democracy, but a Federal Republic. The reason for this is clear. Under a Federal Republic you do not have Federal intrusion into the acts of the individual or in the markets. They maintain control over state and local laws through the courts. Any unconstitutional law can be argued in front of the courts up to and including the Supreme Court to render a verdict into the Constitutional nature of such laws. Encroachment on state and local laws is held at a minimum, by strictly following the Constitution and Common Law. With a Federal Democracy, thinks that should be argued before state and local officials is rushed to the top, and all-encompassing laws are passed, disregarding the individuals’ rights and freedoms. The more and more the Federal Government takes on the more oversight is created. Those that find this system great, when the laws that passed did not step on what they cherished, will show outrage and disgust, when the system they helped create steps on their freedoms and rights. Which will happen, since corporate manipulation is a key negative to a democracy. Allowing large corporations to influence laws and regulations to win public favor and destroy competition; leads to the destruction of individual rights. One of the key factors that is lost is choice. Since only the few make the decisions for the masses, the number of options an individual has throughout their day to day life dry up. This is happening as we speak, only five companies own all the TV stations in this country, only 2 main companies own all the car manufactures. The list could go one. Consolidation of power, creates consolidation of markets, and of rights. So, the next time you call this country a democracy, think of the cuckoo chick and the tired wren forcibly laboring to feed this growing monster that it was led to believe was hers.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Government Collects $56 billion in taxes in 9 days of shutdown. reports that the Government has collected $56 billion in taxes in the 9 days that the Government has been partially shutdown. It seems that taxing the people, like most other things, was not shutdown. Full article here:

Terence P. Jeffrey Infowars article

Death Panels Being Taught In School?

In a report from Fox News in St. Joseph-Ogden High School in Illinois, an assignment asked students to choose who will live and who will die. The assignment was about 10 people that needed kidney dialysis, the local hospital only has 6 dialysis machines. The students were asked to put a numeric value to that person's life.  The 1-10 rating put 1 - 6 would live, while 7-10 would be left to the fate of their diseased liver. The teacher said it was an assignment to demonstrate peoples social bias, but as argued by Todd Starnes of Fox News, there were other ways to demonstrate this other then through an assignment picking who will live and who will die. The original article can be found here:

Todd Starnes Report